1 | # Settings for a TLS enabled server. |
1 | nginx -t |
1 | systemctl restart nginx |
⑴ 信息隐藏是指利用封装技术完成对程序模块细节的隐藏,从而简化模块的接口。
(2) 模块化就是把程序分成几个独立的系统,每个系统都有自己独立的程序。应该注意的是,模块的数量应该得到很好的控制,不能太大或太小。太大容易增加内部复杂度,太小容易增加整个系统的复杂度。
⑶ 抽象的原则是保持事物最基本的特征,用层次抽象的方法从上到下逐个细化,从而完成对软件开发过程的控制,简化复杂性。
(4) 确定性原则是,软件开发过程中应用的相关概念的表达必须准确、标准化和明确。
(5) 一致性原则要求外部接口与内部接口一致,系统要求与运行过程一致。
(6) 本地化的原则是确保模块之间和模块内部的松散耦合和高内聚性。
(7) 可验证性原则:软件开发完成后,应对其进行全面的检查、测试和评审,以确保整个软件系统的性能。
(8) 完整性原则是确保软件中相关功能和组件的完整性。
所谓需求分析,就是根据客户的需求和客户的要求,在软件功能、运行和设计方面进行设计和分析。分析的过程实际上是发现需求、完善需求、建立模型和完成需求的过程。模型通常包括三种类型:功能模型、控制模型和数据模型。在需求分析过程中,我们必须经历四个环节:理解需求、需求分析、需求标准、需求准备和需求评审。编程中通常使用三种常用的方法,即过程编程法、面向对象设计法和通用设计法。对于其需求分析,我们主要采用结构化分析方法。结构化分析方法也可以成为程序化分析方法。其主要功能是全面了解用户,掌握用户对软件的总体需求。常用的工具包括数据字典、数据流图、决策表和决策树[4]。(1) 数据流图是以图形方式显示数据在系统中的移动。它主要反映系统的逻辑性能,也是逻辑模型的工具之一。绘制数据流图时,应自上而下、自外而内逐条细化其内容,以确保数据整体的准确性和可靠性。(2) 数据字典是集成系统相关数据的程序列表,主要包括五个部分:数据流、数据项、数据结构、处理和存储。通过这种方式分析客户需求,不仅可以准确、全面地了解客户需求,而且可以提高软件开发质量,有利于提高软件效率。
This paper analyzes the programming methods in software engineering, compares the three methods of object-oriented, process-oriented and generalization, and expounds their respective characteristics and existing relations for selection in application.
Key words: software engineering; Programming; Structural objectification; Generalization
0 Introduction
Software engineering actually appeared at the end of 1960. In the process of continuous development of software, its problems have gradually become prominent, leading to a “software crisis”. The emergence of software crisis created software engineering. Later, software engineering was gradually recognized and recognized by people, and has been widely used. Until today, with the development of information technology, software engineering is also the basis of the development of software and computer technology. Programming is an important part of software engineering. The quality and scientificity of program design are directly related to the quality of software development and the needs of users. Therefore, we must pay attention to program design. Only by forming a good design consciousness and standardized thought can we make the program design more perfect and improve the production efficiency and quality of software. The following mainly compares and analyzes several common programming methods, so as to lay a good foundation for the development of software engineering.
1 Software Engineering Overview
1.1 concept of software engineering
In fact, software engineering studies software development and later maintenance. It combines the characteristics of standardization, systematization and quantification to realize the value of software actual development and maintenance, and can effectively combine the existing technology with the previous better technology, so as to better ensure the quality of software. Software engineering includes many contents, mainly including database, software development tools, program language design, system platform and so on. In the modern information age, all fields are inseparable from the application of software. The most commonly used software mainly includes operating system, games, office software, e-mail and manual interface [1]. The emergence and application of software engineering not only improves the software production efficiency and reduces the investment cost, but also promotes the economic and social development and the improvement of people’s quality of life to a certain extent.
1.2 basic objectives and principles of software engineering
Software engineering can also be regarded as a project to solve software problems, that is, to guide and deal with the problems encountered in software. In the concept of software engineering, software development should be carried out according to the needs of the market. Although the development process is led by the team, we should still fully consider the needs of customers, and develop relevant products with high efficiency, strong adaptability, high reliability, strong maintainability, convenient operation and meeting the needs of customers under the given cost and process according to the requirements and standards of customers. However, it should be noted that in the process of implementing software engineering, it must be completed in accordance with relevant principles. The main principles include: information hiding, modularization, abstraction, certainty, consistency, localization, verifiability and integrity.
(1) information hiding refers to the use of encapsulation technology to hide the details of program modules, so as to simplify the interface of modules.
(2) Modularization is to divide the program into several independent systems, and each system has its own independent program. It should be noted that the number of modules should be well controlled, not too large or too small. Too large is easy to increase the internal complexity, and too small is easy to increase the complexity of the whole system.
⑶ the principle of abstraction is to keep the most basic characteristics of things and refine them one by one from top to bottom with the method of hierarchical abstraction, so as to complete the control of the software development process and simplify the complexity.
(4) The principle of certainty is that the expression of relevant concepts applied in the process of software development must be accurate, standardized and clear.
(5) The consistency principle requires that the external interface is consistent with the internal interface, and the system requirements are consistent with the operation process.
(6) The principle of localization is to ensure loose coupling and high cohesion between and within modules.
(7) Principle of verifiability: after the completion of software development, it shall be comprehensively inspected, tested and reviewed to ensure the performance of the whole software system.
(8) The integrity principle is to ensure the integrity of relevant functions and components in the software.
- Program design overview and method type analysis
2.1 programming concepts
The so-called programming is the process of solving problems. It plays a very important role in software structure. Generally, programming is based on language and programmed in the corresponding language. Its process mainly includes design, analysis, coding, detection, troubleshooting and other links [2]. Because programming needs strong logical thinking, it must be standardized, mainly from the following aspects: first, standardize the documents in the source program, that is, standardize the name, annotation and visual organization of the program; Second, standardize data information, that is, strictly require the program to display variables and order in order to find variables in order, and more complex data should be annotated; The third is to standardize the structure of language, that is, no language can be too long. It should be concise and clear, reduce the use of goto statements as much as possible, and select at most three most basic and commonly used programming methods; Fourth, standardize input and output data. Each input and output data should be checked for consistency to ensure the accuracy of the report [3].
2.2 analyze requirements through programming method
The so-called demand analysis is to design and analyze the software function, operation and design according to the needs and requirements of customers. The process of analysis is actually the process of discovering requirements, perfecting requirements, establishing models and completing requirements. Models usually include three types: functional model, control model and data model. In the process of requirements analysis, we must go through four links: understanding requirements, requirements analysis, requirements standards, requirements preparation and requirements review. Three common methods are usually used in programming, namely process programming method, object-oriented design method and general design method. For its demand analysis, we mainly use structured analysis method. Structured analysis method can also become programmed analysis method. Its main function is to fully understand users and master users’ overall needs for software. Common tools include data dictionary, data flow diagram, decision table and decision tree [4]. (1) Data flow diagram is to graphically display the movement of data in the system. It mainly reflects the logical performance of the system and is also one of the tools of logical model. When drawing the data flow diagram, its contents should be detailed one by one from top to bottom and from outside to inside, so as to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data as a whole. (2) Data dictionary is the program list of integrating system related data, which mainly includes five parts: data flow, data item, data structure, processing and storage. By analyzing customer needs in this way, we can not only accurately and comprehensively understand customer needs, but also improve the quality of software development and improve software efficiency.
3 Comparison of programming methods
Programming methods can also be called structured methods. It originated after 1970 and plays an important role in software engineering. The design principle of process method is top-down, excellence and modularization. The so-called modularization is to set up independent sub modules in the software system and splice all modules to form a complete software system. However, with the continuous development of software engineering, problems are gradually exposed, among which low software production efficiency and difficult maintenance are the most common problems. Because of its low abstraction and easy implementation, it is more suitable to deal with some simple small-scale problems.
Object oriented design method was first discovered and applied in 1980. Its appearance improves the problems existing in process programming, greatly improves the production efficiency of software, and provides convenience for software maintenance. At this stage, it has also become the most commonly used design method. Object oriented design is to divide the software system into single objects. The existence of each object depends on the analysis of the external world. It can be said that it is more similar to our cognitive way. It can use inheritance and classes to establish a software system in line with our cognitive way. Compared with the programming method, the object-oriented design method uses objects to replace the previous functional decomposition. Its main feature is encapsulation, that is, the code and related data are stored in the object and encapsulated with the object, so that the data and code will not be affected by the outside and cannot be modified or accessed. Inheritance is also a main feature of objectification, that is, the corresponding operations or attributes obtained in the parent class can be redefined; Another feature is polymorphism, the method defined by the parent object. Sub objects can also be improved according to their own needs and ways to complete the corresponding operations by themselves. The object-oriented design method pays more attention to the analysis and design of objects, and has a high degree of abstraction and complex implementation process. It is mainly applicable to relatively complex problems, especially the hierarchical relationship between objects.
With the continuous development of software technology in China, the general design method has been developed and widely used. The general design method is to analyze the relationship between requirements according to type requirements and complete the establishment of software structure and logic. The main purpose of the general design method is to separate the algorithm from the object behavior, so that the design of the algorithm has nothing to do with the overall structure of the data. By changing the relationship between them, the strong or sum relationship can be transformed into weak or sum relationship, so as to ensure the software reuse function [6]. It mainly includes three parts: one is the concept, that is, a group of definitions that are not actually related to the target data, but can actually operate the data; The second is the model, that is, the model formed when data is applied to corresponding concepts; The third is to strengthen. When a concept integrates all the functions of other concepts, this concept is the reinforcement of other concepts. The general design method pays attention to the abstraction and generality of software. Its advantage is that it has a high degree of abstraction and a wide range of program applications. It can not only meet the operation of multi data classification, but also ensure the original efficiency, but also make its implementation more complex. Therefore, its main application object is the problem with high generality and abstraction. To sum up, these three methods have different characteristics and common characteristics, that is, good reliability and safety. The comparison of the three methods is shown in Table 1.
Through the analysis of relevant charts and the above contents, it can be seen that the three methods studied in this paper have their uniqueness. For small-scale, simple or single problems, procedural methods can be adopted; The object-oriented method is very suitable for the problems of behavior polymorphism and inheritance; For problems requiring the same type of requirements analysis, the general method is the most feasible.
4 Conclusion
According to the comparative analysis of the above programming methods, we can choose appropriate methods according to the needs and characteristics of customers to improve user satisfaction. The comparison and analysis of programming methods are very beneficial to software development. We should deeply understand these methods and give full play to the role of different methods based on them in future development. We believe we will go further. However, despite this, the existence of problems is inevitable. Therefore, we should continue to improve and innovate, and solve the problems one by one to promote its development.